Dozer is an institution. Known for its unrelenting pure comfort and hours and hours of blissful sleep. It has converted many an apprehensive camper into a zealous regular. Double Dozer is double the comfort and double the fun. In fact, it is just double the everything.
For unadulterated comfort, Dozer is designed for those people who want to share the comfort around- sharing is caring, you know? But also ideal for those that don’t want to share and just want to starfish. Perfect for those who want optimum comfort and weight is not an issue. The foam has been cored laterally to reduce weight and die cut in at less load bearing areas to reduce pack size. Composed from soft-touch polyester for that extra ‘ah’ factor when you settle down for the night.
Double Dozer is only 10 cm slimmer than a standard double bed and at just over 5 kg, it is far more portable.